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Announce Your Engagement With Premier Bride!

I do Y'all engagementsAre you newly engaged and want the entire world to know? Then let Premier Bride announce your engagement in our upcoming issue of Premier Bride of Mississippi or Premier Bride of Alabama and our blogwww.idoyall.com.

Send in your form and payment by May 31st to receive our special introductory price of ONLY $50 (regular price $75).

Here’s what we need to announce your wedding:

  • Your favorite Engagement photo
  • Names of the happy couple
  • Wedding date
  • Photographer’s Name
  • Wedding Venue/Location

We’ll publish your photo in our upcoming issue PLUS, we’ll include your wedding on our monthly engagement announcements on the Premier Bride of MS & AL wedding blog, I Do Y’all.

Click HERE for Engagement Submission Form!
