Bespoke Art as Wedding Gifts

We’ve all been there. Your best friend/favorite cousin/sister-in-law is getting married and you really want to give them something special that isn’t totally boring and unromantic (hello soap dish and wastebasket from that big box store).

If your Pinterest feed isn’t inspiring you and your creative juices are not quite flowing in the right direction, consider getting them a piece of customized art! Chances are you know the couple well enough to tell what’s important to them. Or you can just stalk their Instagram. Either way, art has a way of speaking directly to the heart and can really be a special piece that the couple can treasure for years to come. Need some examples? Right this way…

Wedding Vows or Love Letters

If you know the couple have written sweet notes to each other over the years, or is planning to write their own vows, offer to have their words framed as a pair of art prints in their home! You send in the words, pick a font, choose a printing method and DONE. Customize the design to fit the couples style and you have an instant “Best Wedding Gift Ever” contender on your hands.


City Maps

We’ve all seen the cool line maps of New York and London, but what about the little hometown where your favorite couple met in preschool and grew up together? Now you can give them the gift of bringing their hometown with them as start this new stage on their journey together! Colorful options ensure that the map will fit in with their home decor.


House Portrait

Speaking of home- how sweet would it be to have a beautiful custom drawing of your childhood home to hang in your new townhouse built for two?! Remembering the past, while celebrating the future is always a winning combination in our book – and we think a House Portrait is an amazing gift to give on a wedding day.

Pet or Child Portrait

If your newly engaged friends have a human or fur baby, chances are they love them to pieces and can’t stop talking/sharing pictures of them any chance they get. Why not get a custom portrait of their little one done so that they can show off their baby in their new home?

All photos in post credited to Minted.com and Pretty in the Pines.


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