Words of Gratitude – Thank You Notes!

In a time when text messages, emails and social media posts are a primary form of written correspondence, it is still nice to receive a lovely handwritten note. Before and after a wedding, a bride and groom will have to dust off their writing skills to craft their handwritten thank you notes. Take our tips to make the task of writing those notes less daunting and stress-free.

Creating a master list to keep track of all the gifts that you’ve received makes the task of writing those thank you notes possible. Keep your list in one handy notebook, create an Excel spreadsheet to digitally keep track, or compile your list on the notes section of your smartphone. Make sure to make a copy of your list and put in a memorable place, just in case you misplace the original. Your wedding gift master list should include the name of the person/family who gave the gift, a brief description of the gift, a yes/no if a thank you note has been sent, and the gift giver’s mailing address.

Great idea for keeping track of wedding gifts! Courtesy of: www.cleanandproper.com

Sure we’ve all heard “slow and steady wins the race,” but there is truth to this time tested statement. Set for you and your other half a reasonable goal to write 3-4 thank you notes a day. Thank you notes should be written within three months of the receipt of the gift.

Remember, you should send a written thank you note even if you have thanked them in person to the following:

  1. Anyone who gives you an engagement, shower or wedding gift
  2. Your wedding attendants
  3. Anyone who hosted a bridal shower or party for you 
  4. People who house or entertain your wedding guests
  5. Suppliers and vendors that go above and beyond what was asked of them
  6. Your parents and in-laws

Consider investing in nice, custom stationery or folded cards to be used for your thank you notes and a custom return address stamp.

Consider purchasing a custom self inking stamp to use for all your thank you notes!

Remember that you can use your stationery/cards and stamp for other occasions in addition to expressing your gratitude for your wedding gifts. Here is a general structure to help you get started with your notes:


Tell them why you are writing

Mention the gift

Tell them why you love the gift

Thank them again


Find your most productive spot (desk at home, couch, or favorite coffee shop) and have your favorite black ink pen handy and start writing those notes!

Would you like to see more ideas for wedding inspiration? Check out our blog for more creative ideas to help with your wedding plans!

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