Ask The Bridal Guru: How do I handle a difficult bridesmaid?

Dear The Bridal Guru,

One of my bridesmaids is about to send me over the edge.  She thinks this is her wedding.  When we all went to select bridesmaids’ dresses, she criticized my selection to the point that she threatened to quit the wedding.  I finally selected a dress and gown she liked even all my other attendants loved my first selection.  She does not like one of the other bridesmaids and is always creating drama and conflict.  I am not enjoy my wedding or having her along because there is always conflict, always drama and nothing pleases her.  What do I do?  How do I handle her?

Over the Edge


Dear Over the Edge,

First, if a bridesmaid behaved like this in my wedding or threatened to leave, I would have told her, “don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Sayonara Baby!”  This is your wedding, not her wedding.  You should have the bridesmaids’ gowns you want and in the color you want.  Don’t let this person or anyone else dictate your wedding.  I would tell her she can have this color and this gown for her wedding.  I would also tell her that this is your wedding not hers and to respect you and your wishes.  If she cannot do this, then she does not belong in your wedding.  Your bridesmaids are your attendants.  They are there to support you and help you.  If it were me, I would politely tell her that I do not want her in the wedding anymore due to her actions.  I would then go back to the gown shop and order the gowns in the style and color that I originally wanted.  Don’t worry if you have an extra groomsman now that you are one girl short.  Lots of weddings have uneven attendants and they look great.  The most important thing is you have attendants that support you.  You are going to have enough stress and drama without one person causing all this.    If this bridesmaid happens to be a relative of the groom, like a sister or a cousin, I would get his help.   If this attendant is one of your relative’s, enlist the help of your mother.  Regardless, it’s time to let her go and enjoy your wedding.

The Bridal Guru


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