Why Do We celebrate Memorial Day

Memorial DayWhen I was growing up, Memorial Day seemed like the start of summer.  It was the first long, three day weekend.  It was the date many area swimming pools opened.  It was a time for families and friends to get together and barbecue, eat and play games.  Now, being married to a proud Marine and Viet Nam veteran and being a little older and a little wiser, I realize Memorial Day is so much more.  Although my father proudly served our country as an Army Captain in World War II in the Pacific, I was too young and probably, too selfish, to appreciate what Memorial Day symbolized.  Yes, we studied it in school.  And I knew it was to honor the dead that served our country; yet, I could not relate to the holiday or understand its true meaning and purpose.

Unfortunately, as a young adult, I lost friends and friends of friends in Viet Nam.  I have witnessed family members and friends affected by wars since then.  My appreciation and love for the military is stronger now than when I was much younger.  And now I understand the true meaning of Memorial Day, the sacrifices so many have given so we can enjoy the freedom, the rights and the privileges we have today.  Many of us take things for granted; that is, until we lose it.  Let’s not take for granted what the countless men and women before and now have given us with the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.

Let’s not only honor these proud patriots, but honor their families left behind.  These families endure a tremendous loss that leaves a gaping hole in their hearts and souls: the loss of a son, a daughter, a husband, a wife, a father, a mother.  Let’s honor these soldiers and their families by bowing our heads and saying a prayer of thanks and gratitude.  And let’s never forget what they have done for us.  Let’s never forget what they have given us:  our freedoms, our liberties, our many, many rights that citizens in other countries long to have.

I feel this, too, is a time to thank our current men and women serving our country and our many veterans.  As we honor the dead, let us honor the living as well.  And let us never forget the sacrifices made by so few for so many.  This is why we can say, “Let Freedom Ring!”.  This is why we can say, “God Bless America!”  This is why we can salute the American flag and cast our votes.

May you and your family enjoy the blessings of this Memorial Day weekend!  And may God truly bless America!

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